Pinetree PosMagnesium(PPM), which leads the improvement of quality of life with Mg plate.
Company Introduction
Magnesium is the 8th most abundant element in the earth's crust and the 4th most common metal in Earth after iron, aluminum, etc.
Magnesium is the lightest structural metal with a density of 1.74g/㎤, which is of 25% and 65% level compared to the density of iron(7.8g/㎤) and aluminum(2.7g/㎤)
Magnesium is highly competitive in respect of its properties such as specific strength, thermal diffusivity, electromagnetic wave shielding, vibration absorbency and machining speed.
Due to the above properties, magnesium can be applied in various industries including IT-mobile, healthcare, automobile, aerospace, lighting, printing, sports & leisure and military.
PPM manufactures Mg sheet by rolling Mg alloys and supplies it to various downstream industries.

Facility Introduction
5, Haeryongsandan 2-ro, Haeryong-myeon, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Plant total area
66,117㎡, Main facility area: 25,952㎡
Narrow strip plant, Wide strip plant, Office building, QC building
Production Capacity
Narrow Strip: 670 tons/year (600mm width Strip Caster, 530mm width Rolling Mill)
Wide Strip: 6,400 tons/year (2,000mm width Strip Caster, 1,850 width Rolling Mill)